Friday, August 9, 2013

Action Research Plan UPDATES

Thank you for all of your comments and underlying questions after reading my Action Research Plan! I appreciate each one of them! There have been no revisions made to my plan based on receiving no suggested changes with the feedback I received from my site supervisor and other teachers.

I do, however, want to answer a few questions that were posted as more than one person had similar inquiries.

Summary of Questions: What is the benefit of knowing this information and what changes can you implement from making these discoveries?

MY Answer: By the end of the school year, I hope to have enough evidence to determine if there are any effects on each of these aspects of a student's school life due to them participating in extracurricular activities. I teach freshman so this action research study will require younger students to conduct a self-evaluation and hopefully motivate students to find something to be a part of in their next few years of high school. It will shed more light on the direct correlation between academic achievement and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, it would be awesome if extracurricular activities were mandated. The betterment of our students is of utmost importance to educators. Extracurricular activities provide a positive outlet for students and help students academically and behavior wise. They also, however, raise self-esteem; develop school spirit; support students socially; promote physical and moral well-being; influence mental well-being; help mature spiritually; and can act as an emotional rock for students. Extracurricular activities should actually help students be better prepared to learn. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your progress is going well so far. I think that it's a solid plan that covers all your bases. I do like how you're working with younger students because as they get towards a senior they generally have jobs or other things taking their time away. So getting them to experience it fresh is great. Although if it was mandated I'm not sure it would be classified as extracurricular. Anyways everything looks great!
